Buyers guide
Buying apartment in Bulgaria
The most essential points of the purchase.
1. Choose your apartment
Select from our website the property that you would like to view and send us the reference numbers.
2. Reserve by paying a reservation fee
Once you have chosen an apartment, in order to reserve it and take it off from the market you have to pay are reservation fee, which normally varies between 1000 to 3000 Euros depending on the specific development. Please bear in mind, that in most cases this fee is non-refundable. However it is deducted from one of the next installments due.
The buyer the needs to organize quick payment of the reservation fee with one of the following options:
· Bank transfer – takes minimum of 3 working days
· Credit card payment to our Head office in Varna
· Cash payment in our Head office in Varna
Once the reservation fee has been paid there is a period of 7-10 days during which the terms of the Preliminary contract are to be agreed on. Usually the preliminary contract has to be signed in this 7-10 day period. Within this period the buyers has also time to organize funds in order to make the first payment on time.
3. Sign a preliminary contract
The preliminary contract is very important, because it settles all important issues, such as the obligations, payment terms, specifications of the property, delivery date, penalties and etc. In order for the preliminary contract to be properly prepared, the following details have to be provided:
· Copy scan of passports
· Permanent address
· Address for correspondence (when applicable)
· Telephone, e-mail
4. Arrange payments on time as per preliminary contract
Usually the first installment is due within 2 weeks time from signing the preliminary contract. The remaining payments are scheduled as per the agreed terms.
5. Final installment and transfer of ownership
Upon completion and presenting of all government required permits for use of the apartment complex, the vendor will invite the buyer to make the transfer of the ownership to the buyer. For this purpose all buyers have to be present in person in Bulgaria, or represented by their lawful proxy.
Upon transfer of ownership the buyer has to pay the required municipality and notary fees. The exact amount can be defined according to the municipality regulations and property price specified in the title deeds.
Charges involved with the final installment:
- Land tax and notary fees - up to 5% of price stated in the title deeds
- Bulstat registration - 80 Euros per owner
- Maintenance fee - developers are requiring paying of the annual charge for maintenance of the complex
After the transfer of ownership:
1. Bulstat registration
Every foreign buyer has to register a Bulstat number. It is like a Bulgarian ID of the new property for this particular buyer. The term, in which this registration has to take place, is within 7 days from transfer of ownership. If this is not done on time penalties apply.
2. Maintenance contract.
3. Register of the new property owner in the Electricity and Water supply companies.
Annual costs:
1. Maintenance fee
2. Council and garbage collection tax